Coffee Klatch – Coffee and Socializing – It seems so outdated – Or is it?
As we use texting, email, facebook, and twitter to converse and connect, the whole concept of actually meeting face-to-face to enjoy a cup of coffee seems like a product of years gone by. But maybe some of us that spend hours in front of a glowing screen are more out of touch with reality than we think. We may be missing a great social opportunity for open discussion and friendship. The concept of meeting informally with friends, neighbors, and relatives over a cup of coffee is not dead. It happens millions of times per day, and not, as you might think, only in Starbucks, Caribou, Tully’s or Pete’s.
The term, Coffee Klatsch, is most likely German in origin and seems to date to the late 1800s, making it over a century old. Kaffeeklatsch is easily translated Kaffee, and klatsch meaning noise or conversation. Many spellings have evolved and it is not unusual to see it as Klatch, Clatch, Klatch, Clatch, or even Clutch.
It would be easy to believe that clatches are strictly a small town phenomenon, but I have observed the tradition from the largest cities to very rural communities. Every cafe, diner, and family restaurant hosts these gatherings mornings and even mid afternoons. And, not every member of the klatch is a AARP member. These gatherings are as much about business and community, as about pure social conversation. The gatherings may have evolved a little, but they are still an indicator of the pulse of the community and offer an opportunity to add balance and social conversation back into our lives. Coffee can be much more than ordering a skinny latte to go through a drive through window. Take the plunge, take your morning break with real people and real breakable mugs rather than sitting alone with a paper cup.