How Metal Facades Coated the World In Bronze

To keep it in perspective, this world is three feet in diameter.

This world is a topographically correct Earth model slated for display at the San Bernardino County Museum in Redlands, California, a regional museum with exhibits and collections in cultural and natural history.

Bronzed World

Bronzed World

When you get the chance to observe the beautiful globe, notice its exquisite detail. We were taken with the depth of the undersea trenches, especially off the African Continent. This is in such marked contrast to the depth of the Great Lakes which are barely noticeable due to their relative depth.

Globe Detail

Globe Detail

The globe is just fascinating to look at and it is a wonder that we were able to complete it in a timely manner. The world is constructed of fiberglass, and the job of Metal Facades was to coat it in LuminOre® real bronze. Once completed, it looks like it weighs tons and cost tens of thousands of dollars. Neither is true. It is another museum piece proudly transformed by the artisans at Metal Facades.

Metal Facades specializes in coating museum displays, and architectural elements made from inexpensive material,  into masterpieces of bronze, brass, nickel silver, iron, and copper. Look to Metal Facades for the look of foundry cast without the weight, wait, or expense.

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