On November 1st Wisconsin will become the 49th state to adopt a concealed carry law for firearms. This law empowers licensed civilians to legally carry a concealed gun for the purpose of self-defense. Because of this law, building owners who do not want guns inside must have a visible “no guns allowed” sign in place.
If you are among these owners and do not want guns in your establishment then you have come to the right place. Unfortunately, we do not currently carry a “no guns allowed” template; but we can easily customize a plaque to your specifications. You can submit your custom request by following the link here. When filling out the query write “No Guns Allowed” in the details section along with a general schematic for how you want the sign to appear. After we receive your request our design team will create a custom sign and send you a proof (via email) for how the plaque will look.
Order now and receive your sign slightly after the law goes into effect (we guarantee shipment of all signs within 2 weeks of order date).
There are both positives and negatives of having a concealed carry law—both with equal footing. Regardless of personal opinion, the law is the law, and people who are able to carry their guns most likely will. Prevent firearms in your establishment by ordering a no guns allowed sign today.